And Then He Popped Out His Eyeball

25 Aug

Whenever men are put in a situation in which they are competing for the attention of a group of females, that natural primal need to one-up each other and compete emerges.  While they may not be able to control characteristics like looks or height, they can certainly try to prove that they are funnier or more generous or more masculine than any other guy they find themselves up against.

While this is a common occurence, there are times when this one-upmanship is taken to such a surprising level and presents and crazy twist.  For example, a few weekends ago, a group of girls that I used to work with got together for some much needed girl-love time.  As we sat together enjoying our endless food and bevies (it was, after all, the Corona sponsored pre-party for the Kenny Chesney concert in the Meadowlands), we were approached by two guys.  The Cowboy was very much the alpha -the more attractive and confident of the two, the one who led – and he knew one of my girlfriends presenting two very distinct advantages. 

After joining our table, the subtle war for attention began.  What we learned, no one was expecting: The Cowboy brought a very unique trait to our attention. . .his friend, 20/0, had a glass eye.  Not only did 20/0 have this glass eye, he actually took it out of his socket.  Around the table, the reaction was a mix of confusion, surprise, awe, horror and awkward (you already know which I felt. . .I did, in this moment of reveal, ask if he’d ever lent it to someone so they could be a Triceratops. . .not even my fave type of dinosaur and totally inappropriate #fail).

As we obviously continued to talk about it on-and-off for the rest of the day, I couldn’t help but smile.  While these little battle royales amongst boys seeking attention surely provide amusement and stories to tell over again, a well-timed and well placed joke works even better.

One Response to “And Then He Popped Out His Eyeball”

  1. Christina J September 11, 2011 at 4:35 pm #

    I’m glad my nickname won.

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